13 Steps for Promoting Access + Inclusion in Psychedelic Science

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

Dec 29, 2021

When we look at psychedelic science and associated organizations, it is hard to make the case that they truly value diversity, equity, access, and inclusion. While individuals in these organizations may hold these are core values, when zooming out to examine how the larger organizations function from a macro-level, we often find misaligned values and priorities. To bridge that gap, this article offers specific organizational strategies for increasing inclusion and access in psychedelic science.

Tips for moving from claiming you want to be inclusive to actually being inclusive:

☼ Center events about diversity around diverse people! [Seems obvious, but sadly, there have been diversity-related events without a single person of color on the panel.]

☼ Have BIPOC involved in all events, not just those about diversity, + position people of color in influential roles, such as the planning committee.

☼ Include sufficient numbers of diverse people so they have influence, power, + community. When there are only one or two people representing diverse groups, they often lack sufficient power to influence others or create change.

☼ Create scholarships + volunteer programs for those with limited means to reduce the costs of attending events.

☼ Invite talks addressing diversity, equity, + inclusion and select keynote / invited speakers with diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds (for diversity and non-diversity related topics).

☼ Pay POC for their time and work; do not expect them to donate their time and expertise.

☼ Name awards after diverse people in the field. Have awards that honor diversity and inclusion-related work. Review award recipients to ensure diverse people are recognized.

☼ Learn about the organizational benefits of diversity + use these benefits to realign organizational practices and procedures.

☼ Make an honest assessment of the actions the organization has taken to ensure diversity, equity, + access / review evidence of its effectiveness.

☼ Set organizational goals for diversity, equity, + inclusion. Review these goals regularly and adjust accordingly.

☼ Collect data on the diversity of your membership, conference attendees, + the org’s leadership. Which groups are represented? Which are missing? Be accountable to bringing in those groups that are absent.

☼ Create spaces for ongoing dialogue, discussion, evaluation, + change to ensure current efforts are having the desired effects.

☼ Survey constituents, ask about diversity and inclusion, be responsive to their responses.

Read the full article natively to take advantage of all the linked resources provided!

Art by Georgia Love - @georgialovee


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